Publication Ethics

Journal of Ethics and Abuse in Publication under Cope International Law

 This code originated from the Ethics Publishing Committee. This text is in line with the purpose and practical scope of the editorial policies of social development

1- Editors' guidelines and guidelines
The basic duties and responsibilities of the editors
- Striving to meet the needs of readers and writers
- Processes to ensure the quality of the publishing principles
- Defending freedom of expression
- Maintain the integrity of the academic competition
- Blocking business needs from ethical and intellectual standards
- the determination to publish reforms, grouping, extradition and apologies if necessary
- The editors 'reluctance to publish information in line with the inalienable right of readers' acquaintance
Avoid personal conflicts
Editors have no effective role in covering editorials by disapproving personal interests. In this regard, the financial interests of editors have no role in organizations. Editors should also be limited and limited in relation to readers when reporting and reporting to the same organization, avoiding personal conflicts and conflicts involving personal relationships that effectively cover articles.
Content Policy of Articles and Advertisements
Disregard for Policy and Template Type Differences in editorial content and commercial messages are apparent to readers regardless of the policy and its type. Websites in a variety of content themes, including content production users, content collections, marketing presentations, editors and publishers, should take special care in identifying content and advertising. Editors should avoid any influence of advertising that would undermine editorial integrity.
4.1 Avoid any advertising to cover commercial editorials
Products are not entitled to any form of payment in exchange for editorial approval.
The production site indicates the editorial approval that should be avoided. Advertising has no place in the field of editorial content. The type of editorial coverage of a person or product should not be considered in the vicinity of advertising messages for that person or product.
5-1 Writer communication
- The editors' decision to publish articles is based on the importance of the article, its authenticity, its scientific value and its relevance to the paper. Editors should not endorse theories about decisions. Unless identified problems with theories are specified.
- The decisions of young editors should not lead to the suspension of the publication of articles edited by older editors unless there are problems that can be identified. Journals must submit articles for publication of theories and confirmation of their dates.
- Editors should not discriminate between authors and academics, as well as publishing the work according to the chronological order.
- The specifications of all authors remain unchanged until their articles are approved by literary critics.
6-1- Staff Relations
Editors should agree to provide guidance to new members of its editorial board. As expected, new members must adapt to new developments and policies.
Relations with literary critics
- The editors must separate any potential competitors from the sources of criticism before submitting any revisions to the theory.
- Editors must have a system in place that protects the privacy and rights of the Critical Group.
- The editors must ensure that the reports and investigations reviewed by the critics are adequately and appropriately reviewed.
8-1- Relationships between publishers and publishers
Editors' decisions are based on the publication of articles that have the quality and competence of publications that are not interfered with by the editor or publisher.
9-1- Executive Processes of the Editing Group
- The editors' effort is to ensure that the review team is in a journal that is completely "fair and without any bias."
- The editors should be provided with a system in which the proposed articles in the publications remain kept under confidential review.
10-1- Complaints
Editors need to be responsive to uninterrupted complaints and the only way to get more complaints is to execute and submit more complaints that they need to make sure of.
2. Revision Group Guidelines
Ensure that the revision of the requested articles and proposals is correct, in accordance with the skills and competencies required.
The editor's close view of you may not be aware of your effects, and the only way to know about your articles is to present it in a wider context. The only way to gain trust is to have a competent review panel for articles.
2-2 Avoid potential conflicts of interest
A personal conflict does not necessarily restrict or restrict you from revising an article. But with full disclosure to the editor, he allows them to make the necessary decisions. For example, if you are working as a writer in an organization or institution and still have an old article with an author, in fact your relationship is professional or financial, in which case when responding to the editor's invitation to revise the list of names Listed.

3-2 Time management
Revising an article can be quite time-consuming. The time taken for this revision can be quite extensive, but on average each article takes about five hours to complete. Do you think that is enough time before you have the opportunity to make an appeal?
Understand the acceptance of revision and time management
Editors' submissions of time observations are made at the request of the appeal team. Depending on the type of request, it will take one to two days. They will be able to complete the revision of the article by presenting opportunities in a specific time frame. If so, there are no consequences for rejecting the article.
If the revision time is longer than the normal timeframe, you can consult with the editor. The editor may occasionally suggest literary critics in this situation, or wait a while. In other words, it is difficult for specialized articles to reach its critics. According to the general guidelines, you will not be able to complete a survey within the specified time frame, in which case you will have to skip reviewing the article.
3. Researcher's guidelines
Freedom of Researchers
Researchers should focus on the benefits of humanity and expand the boundaries of human knowledge only with the enjoyment of freedom of thought and expression, the existence of which is to identify ways in which the whole problem is identified by identifying methods and ethical principles.
- However, researchers are required to recognize the constraints of freedom that, as a result of specific circumstances, include research, monitoring, management, identifying the scope and type of constraints such as industry-related infrastructure or intellectual property protection reasons.
- Researchers need to be aware of ethical and ethical principles that are ethical and orderly, in addition to being ethical standards as a document in various national contexts, in particular on the basis of institutionalized code policies. It is formed in the ethics section.
Professional responsibility
- Researchers should strive for community-based research rather than duplicating old research and presenting it elsewhere.
- They should avoid theft of authorship and avoid the persistence and persistence of intellectual property principles and the incorporation of proprietary information in cases where research has been conducted in collaboration with observers and other researchers. Validating new observations can be reproduced by presenting experiments, in which case it is not a theft of authorship, which is, in fact, verified information that has been explicitly cited.
- Researchers need to make sure that each of their works is represented, in which case the person in question has the competence to conduct the research.
Professional attitude
Researchers should look to the strategic objectives of the research environment and the funding mechanism to seek the necessity for approvals that have been made prior to undertaking research or accessing resources.
Researchers should always be aware of the types of practical approaches adopted by national laws, including the prevention of information security from information technology disasters and the provision of appropriate information support strategies. Also, they must be committed to the latest requirements and requirements of national law with respect to information protection and with reliable support of the conditions for the creation and implementation of the necessary steps everywhere.
5.3 Release and exploit the result
All researchers must ensure that contractual agreements are accepted, resulting in the dissemination and exploitation of research that can transmit and transmit research to other areas of business if appropriate. In this regard, senior researchers are expected to conduct successful research and deliver results commercially successful or available to the public at any time and place.
6.3 Communication with supervisors
Researchers in the training process must create a structure that enables continuous communication with supervisors and delegates on other faculty members in order to get their connection.
This includes recording work progress and research findings, obtaining a range of reports and seminars that require such context and function, including agreed programs, milestones, and information output for research outputs.