Analysis of Individual Factors Effecting on Academic Loafing among Students (the Case Study: Students of Mazandaran University)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran

2 Master of Youth Studies, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran


Abut organizational pathology, notice to human resources have high important. Loafing as one of human resource harm is introduced in every organization and university too. Social loafing can arise many problems and negative consequences for the individual and society in the short term and the long term Loafing imply as breeding, sloth and negligence and dereliction. The aim of this study was to analyze the sociological factors that affect the social loafing (Case Study: Mazandaran University) is. Methodology of the survey and questionnaire tool measurement is made. The population of this research included all of Mazandaran University and a sample of 390 people from a stratified random sampling method is used. Given the nature of research and the concepts and values, the data needed to conduct field research through questionnaire method. In this study, we selected Coleman rational choice theory as the theoretical framework. The results showed that there is significant relation between individual factors including variables autonomy, academic alienation and lack of interest and motivation to study with loafing among students. Also, the results of regression model show that these three variables could explain 43% of dependent variable variance.


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