A Comparative Study of the Reflection of Important Environmental Events in Khuzestan Province at Two News Agencies “ISNA” and “IRNA”

Document Type : Research Paper


Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Department of Technology Development Studies (DTDS)


The purpose of this study was to investigate media policy on environmental issues in Khuzestan's two news agencies, IRNA and ISNA, in the timeframe of 2017 and to determine the extent of media policy in environmental news dissemination, especially in Khuzestan. In this research, we highlight the theory of highlighting as a theoretical framework to distinguish between the statistical community and the use of content analysis methodologies, standards and criteria for specialized media environmental policy based on the research methodology. The findings of the study indicate that the increased attention of the two news agencies to the analysis, interpretation and reporting of environmental issues in Khuzestan has received less attention. This has also had a negative impact on addressing the causes and origins of environmental hazards and the phenomenon of microbes. Of the 1,034 news agencies, only 116 (11.2%) have addressed the root causes of environmental problems and exposure to dust. It is clear that taking steps to develop and accelerate its process is one of the tasks of the media in developing countries. In this regard, it is effective and step-by-step to provide process-oriented and step-by-step information. In this regard, it can be said that most of the news from these two news agencies (92%) were event-oriented and only 8% were process-oriented. Of the 1,034 news reports by IRNA and ISNA, only 108 had 10.4 percent environmental education and exposure to dust.


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