Social Capital Development Model (Case study: Iraqi Ministry of Sports and Youth)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student of sports management, Department of Movement Behavior and Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Professor of Sports Management, Department of Movement Behavior and Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia. Iran


The existence of a favorable level of effective organizational variables in organizations is vital. Social capital is one of these influential organizational variables that can have a positive effect on many vital variables for organizational development. The purpose of this research was to structurally model the factors affecting the development of social capital in the Iraqi Ministry of Sports and Youth with a mixed method. The method of this mixed research is of an exploratory type that the factors affecting the development of the social capital of the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iraq were investigated using in-depth semi-structured interviews in the form of a conceptual model and then using the structural equation modeling test of the impact of each factor. A group of factors affecting the social capital of this country was investigated. The results showed that in the qualitative part, which was done through content analysis and open, axial and selective coding in the form of five general components of causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, main phenomenon, actions and consequences. also, the quantitative results of the research showed that the amount of the corresponding to each factor has a significant effect and the whole framework of the social capital in Iraqi ministry of sports was approved and the research model has a good fit. Therefore, paying attention to the presented model can become the basis for the management and development of social capital in the Iraqi Ministry of Sports and taking advantage of its benefits.


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