Investigating Social Factors Affecting Political Participation: Case Study; Participation of the Citizens of Ilam Province in the Election of Representatives of the Islamic Council of the 11th Term

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Sociology, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran



Today, political participation, which means a set of citizens' activities to influence the government and support the political system, is of great importance for all types of political systems. One of the types of political participation is participation in elections. Various researches have shown that a set of social, economic and psychological factors influence people's electoral behavior. The current research has categorized the set of factors affecting the political participation of individuals in the sociological field, and with this support, its goal is to investigate the social factors affecting the political participation of the citizens of Ilam province in the 11th parliamentary election. The current research method is descriptive-survey and the data collection tool is also a questionnaire. The statistical population of the current research is citizens eligible to vote in Ilam province, 384 people have been selected by cluster method through Cochran's formula. For this purpose, Ilam province is divided into four clusters (North, South, East and West). For data analysis and statistical inference, regression test was used with the help of SPSS software. The findings show that there is a positive and significant relationship between social factors such as social networks, social trust and social cohesion, gaining respect and political participation, while social awareness, social participation and benefit acquisition have not affected the increase of people's participation in the elections of the Islamic Council in Ilam province.


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