Analysis of Substrates and Consequences of Occupational Safety and Health (HSE) By Grounded Theory Method (Case Study: Workshop Staff of Bandar Jask Naval Hospital)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Ayatollah Ozma Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran

2 PhD student of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The present research has investigated the role and importance of safety and health in the workplace from the point of view of the employees of the construction camp of the army naval hospital in the city of BandarJask using the qualitative method of grounded theory. A sample of 23 people was selected in a purposeful way. The data collection method was in-depth interview and the interviews were analyzed by coding. The findings indicated that the existence of harmful environmental and organizational factors as causal conditions, if not identified, evaluated and controlled with a preventive view, will lead to the central phenomenon of "employee/ employer double damage" which activists in order to prevent the strategy HSE have benefited. This strategy is influenced by two groups of conditions: a) the prevailing environment: 1) the background variables of the employees, 2) the type of job and the location of the employees, 3) the location of the workshop and its infrastructure, 4)the climatic conditions of the region and 5) the facilities available for HSE. b) Intervening conditions: 1) natural disasters and unexpected events, 2) economic conditions, 3) socio-cultural conditions and 4) time-political conditions. Finally, the adoption of the workplace health and safety strategy leads to the mutual benefit of employees/employers, such as employee health and increased productivity, and has general beneficial consequences, such as environmental protection and sustainable economic development.


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