"Justice" As the Ultimate Cause; to Describe the Normative Dimension of Justice Discourse in the City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Allameh TabatabaeiTehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Doctoral student of national and comparative development management, Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD, Department of Urban Planning, Tehran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Theoretical support with the aim of facilitating urban policy-making in order to realize the "discourse of justice" in the city is the problem which in this study, despite the vagueness, has been considered. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, we try to identify the normative dimension around the value of justice in the relationship between the four recurring, widespread and controversial concepts of "good urban governance", "sustainable urban development" and "right to the city" and "spatial justice". In this way, after building a conceptual framework based on the secondary data in the relationship between these concepts around the discourse of justice; we attempt to determine the normative dimension by using CODAS multi-criteria selection and BWM weighting techniques. Therefore, the method of this research, despite dealing with data of a qualitative nature, is quantitative. This study also shows the capability of CODAS technique to be used in urban studies and introduces the concept of "sustainable urban development" as a normative dimension of pursuing the discourse of justice in urban spaces. It is expected that by providing a set of principles and guidelines, it will facilitate urban policy-making in order to achieve the discourse of justice in cities.


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