Inveestigating the Potential and Foundations of Pilgrimage Rituals Based on the Understanding of the Semantic System of the Participants in the Arbaeen Walk

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Arbaeen walk is a multi-dimensional social phenomenon, which in Iranian social constructions has dimensions such as politics, identity, interaction or confrontation of identities, environment and social harms. Therefore, this study is a type of qualitative research that was conducted using the foundational data theory method to understand the semantic system of the pilgrims who participated in the walk. For this purpose, data was collected by purposeful sampling method and using semi-structured interview method and 21 pilgrims were investigated in the research field including the border region of Chazaba until reaching theoretical saturation. In order to obtain the factors, data analysis was done using the systematic procedures of Corbin and Corbin, which includes coding concepts and shaping the theory. Data analysis in open coding led to the identification of main factors, components and sub-components. Scrutiny in the findings of the interview indicates that the central category of the research is "the Arbaeen walk is a manifestation of the life of the world competing with modernity and the loss of subjectivism". Based on the findings of the research, the participants perceive the Arbaeen walk as an opportunity for self-improvement, which cannot be explained by the system of proportionality of goals and means in the common framework of instrumental rationality. During this walk, they try to refine themselves with prayers and remembrances, and they believe that the people of Iran and Iraq can use this opportunity for spiritual self-improvement.


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