Case Study as a Methodoloqy

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Sociology of Social Issues in Iran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Case Study has a significant role in both fundamental development and methodology of social sciences. On the other hand, there are a plenty of confusions and misgivings about it. Since it seems that the most of social researches have accomplished through this method, clarification of case study is worthy. In particular, this methodology is used less frequently in sociological research in Iran as an independent methodology. This article has been written in 2 sections. In the first section, we try to elaborate the process of case study as a method meanwhile some of its obscurities and questions about it will be answered. In this section, two principal procedures of case study which are very noticeable in literature means descriptive case study by Stake and explanatory case study by Yin will be explained. Reviewing 28 backgrounds entitled “case study” in Iranian Sociological association’s journal from 2002 to 2016, second section devoted to reevaluation and meta-analysis of case study as a method.


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