Gensis of multiple distinction in field, habitus and capital: the formulation of development theory from Bourdieu's point of view

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd of Economic sociology and Development, department of social science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant professor Sociology, Departmantof social science, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran

3 Associate professor Sociology, Departmantof social science, the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

4 Assistant professor Sociology, Departmantof social science, the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


In that Bourdieu has indirectly raised the idea of modernity, development, and evolution in his experimental in him works, the main problem is how has peresented development theory in bourdieu works? And it what have charactristics? The results of works bourdieu sistematic review showed that development is change from treditional society with charictristics such as integrality to distinctioned society as field, capital and habitus with with charictristics such as function, straggle, law and organic relations. Developments also have two steps that is first step: The transition from treditional society to moden society and second step: distinctioned in modern society. Bourdieu belived that development is value object in one hand, and it is reality of multi-deminitions that is based on all-sided distinctioned in change framwork the other hand. He argues that development obstecle is integralilty belive and unequal relations of society in international field and dominat implemention of powerfull society, development factor are Comprehensive dictinction, increasingly Comprehensive distinction, gathered most capital forms in huge and contribute, and obtain and maintananec Relative independence of differnce fields in modern society. He emphesise on agent role in development to additional structure.


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