Study of the Interventive Role of Sexual Satisfaction in the Impact of Makinglove on Marital Satisfaction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Social Sciences at University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Master of Sociology University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Marital satisfaction can be considered as one of the key variables in the quality of life of couples and can improve interpersonal relationships and acceptance of social responsibility by individuals in their working environments. Accordingly, the general purpose of this research is to investigate the Intervening role of sexual satisfaction in influencing of lovemakingon marital satisfaction. The research method is survey type and the data collection tool is a standard questionnaire. The statistical population of this study consisted of 821 employees of married staff of Tabriz University of that number 261 people were selected using the Cochran formula by random sampling method. According to the results of this study, sexual satisfaction and love-making have a positive and significant relationship with marital satisfaction. Also, the makinglove variable through positive impact on the the sextual satisfaction, increases martpital satisfaction. As a result, due to research finding, lovemaking and sexual satisfaction and the consciousness of couples in this regard, it can increase marital satisfaction in all aspects and consequently, strengthen the family foundation in society.


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