Phenomenological Study: (Kan Neighborhood, District 5, Tehran, Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper



From the distant past, residential quarters and urban living cells have played a vital role in the lives of the residents. From the perspective of residents, real cities are full of shortcomings that encourage the citizens towards the construction of ideals. This article aimed to obtain a definition for ideal neighborhood. The main question outlined here is as follows: How is the ideal neighborhood image in resident minds? This is a descriptive, phenomenological study. The case study was performed in Kan neighborhood of District 5, Tehran, Iran. A total of 32 subjects were interviewed as the sample. Theoretical saturation was used for sampling. In this article, Putnam, Cooley, Clarence Perry, and Fazeli concepts and theories were employed. Three main themes were extracted from the analyses and interviews: Ethical Orientation, Social Capital, and Urban Space. The combination of these factors forms the definition of "Ideal Neighborhood" in the minds of the residents. The interpretation of results showed that what encourages the residents towards the construction of an ideal neighborhood was inspired from different resources. Social Capital and Ethical Orientation were borrowed from the past. Urban Space was, however, the modern image of today's neighborhoods.


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