The Sociological Analysis of Females’ Violence against Men

Document Type : Research Paper



Family always had encountered withvarious issues. Domestic violence has been one of the families’ troubles since this time. But today domestic violence has faced newer aspects. Violence against men is one of the most serious domestic violence which has grabbed researchers’ attention in recent years. Therefore the present article investigates the effective factors on females’ violence against men in Babolsar with focusing on disorder of relative factors which are inside the families (indiscipline). The methodof this research is survey and the instrument for data collecting is the questionnaire which the researcher has piloted it by herself. Participants are included all married men of Babolsar. The number of participants is estimated 384 men according to Coceran formula. The data is collected by using questionnaire and clustering in several sections in Babolsar. The result of the research has shown that there is a relationship between violence against men with variables such as the lack of thinking alike; keep up with each other,common unlucky, and the lack of sympathy. Moreover, by considering the presented model all these variables have stated 35 percent of the changes of dependent variables (violence of women against men).
